Release film belonging to the fluoropolymer family.
Fluoropolymer film is manufactured from a copolymer of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene resin. This release film does not contaminate the composite.
- NP – P3 : Recommended for vacuum moulding of prepregs in autoclave processes.
- P1 : Recommended for the high temperature vacuum infusion process (mono-component resins).
- High elongation.
- Excellent heat stability.
Colors : Blue or Red
Width | Lenght | Strenght | Max. temp. | Strenching |
1.50 m | 150 m | 15 µ 20 µ |
230°C | 350% |
NP = Non perforated / P1 = Large perforation / P3 = Small perforation
- NP version
- P1 version
- P3 version